Piscina & Wellness, bringing together the leading companies in the international pool and spa market every year, is going to turned its traditional forum Piscina & Wellness Barcelona into a digital event 'Foro Piscina&Wellness Digital' under the current circumstances of 2020. The digital show will be from November 3rd to 6th.
As a specialist focusing on the best pool heating solution and the trend-leader of the global pool heat pump industry, Fairland will participate in the forum and show the world our core products. Our product displays will be as follows:
INVERX series: Turbosilence inverter heat pumps which balance the turbo performance and silent operation at the same time;
Full-inverter dehumidifier: the first full-inverter dehumidifier in the world, which is 20 times quieter than traditional dehumidifier, and with only 50% power consumption.
Check out the access to our homepage in the following information.
Link: https://foro.piscinawellness.com/
Can’t wait to see you at the forum!